16 September 2006

Bedslimming Bowie II

Pixi - what about your tips about Bedslimming?

First of all you have to drink a lot, she says - water, juice, but watch out for the sugar! Avoid the juice with extra sugar added! And drink green tea, red roibus tea, mint tea and all herb teas. If you want to sweeten it, take honey. Smoothies, yoghurt light mixed with kiwi is one of Pixi's favourites. Fruit! Eat all kinds of fruit. When you want and as much as you want. Soup-in-a-cup is a good thing when you're in bed having a flu. It's easy to prepare and it's hot. And sallad! With shrimps, ham. And Pixi takes her multivitamin pill and her Omega 3 pill every morning.

This was a talk on Bedslimming Bowie from Pixi, in bed having a cold, coughing the 8th of June 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden.

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