15 November 2006

Iiii !!! Poor Pixi ...

This morning Pixi woke up with a splitting headache! NOT fun, AT ALL!
Yesterday, when Mem called Pixi at work, she said that she had been shopping at Systemet, the liquour shop. And ... she had bought a bottle of Vino Tinto. Vinto Tinto? It's not for drinking, is it? said Pixi. It is! said Mem. It's PERFECT for Sangria!

And - it was ... And this is Pixi's story ...

I went to Mem after work, Pixi says, and we had a WONDERFUL pasta with zucchini and olives and the Sangria was soooooo nice, cool and bitter and sweet at the same time, and we had so much to talk about and the evening was warm and lovely and we were sitting outside on Mem's balcony and the Sangria, it just disappeared ...

We wanted more! But Mem had only bought one bottle, so we went to the café in Tessinparken, but they don't serve Sangria. We knew that, of course, but we bought a glass of red wine each and a soda with ice. And then we mixed the wine with the soda. It was not bad at all! So we took another one ... and another one ...

I never thought that Sangria - Vino Tinto could be so good! Pixi continues, now trying to freshen up her head so that she can drive to Upplands Väsby, to see her friend Kerstin ...

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