14 November 2006

Marilyn once said that ...

"The body is meant to be seen, not all covered up."

Pixi has been thinking about this during the summer when all she wanted was to go to the beach and play around in the water ... and the big SWIMMINGSUITPROBLEM came up EVERY DAY! Because when you feel B&F, big & fat, you don't want to show your body, Pixi says. And you do ABSOLUTELY NOT want to walk around in a swimmingsuit, or even worse, in a bikini.
When you feel B&F, you don't really like yourself. And you want your clothes to hide your body so that nobody will see, or think about, what your body really looks like. You dress in easy-going loose-hanging clothes and in dark colours, in black - "which makes you look slimmer", you think ... And this is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH! says Pixi!

But now she wants to dress in light colours. And in RED! And she DOES NOT want to feel B&F in her swimmingsuit. She dreams about a white bikini with red dots and she wonders how Marilyn kept herself fit, not getting B&F.

Marilyn - which where your tips&tricks?
They say you lived on champagne and sleeping-pills? Is this true? Or just evil rumours?

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