15 November 2006

Summer Recipe - Mem's Sangria

When your are on a diet, you are not supposed to drink alcohol or sweet drinks. Right?, says Pixi. But sometimes you want to treat yourself to something nice, especially on a warm summer evening. And on these occations Mem's Sangria is just perfect!

Mem's Sangria
1 bottle of light red wine (like Vino Tinto)
1 orange
1 bottle of soda (like Sprite)
ice cubes

1. Clean the orange in water, and do it well. Cut it in thin slices.
2. Put the orange slices in a jug, add the wine. Put it in the fridge. About the jug: A ceramic jug is best, it will keep the cool.
3. Cool the glasses before serving, and serve with ice and Sprite - as you wish.

You can do Sangria in thousand different ways, says Pixi.Instead of an orange, you can take 1/2 orange, 1/2 lemon and 1/2 apple. You can spice Sangria with cinnamon (whole, not powder) and som cloves. Some people add brandy in their Sangria, others add extra sugar.

Fruit-ice! Iced cherries and strawberries - just put the berries in the freezer, freeze them and serve them to the Sangria as ice-cubes!

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