11 August 2006

Bimbo - Paris Hilton recently bought ...

Paris Hilton recently bought the plot next to her screen idol Marilyn Monroe's grave at Pierce Bros Westwood Village Memorial Park, Hollywood. For her pet goat Billy. She also booked a gospel choir to perform at the funeral.

So Marilyn will rest between Paris Hilton's goat Billy and the playboy Hugh Hefner, who has reserved the plot on the other side form himself.

Pierce Bros is one of the most prestigious cemeteries in the world where Hollywood stars like Truman Capote, Dean Martin and Jack Lemmon are buried.

"It is absolutely disgusting", a source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper. "Paris Hilton booked a plot for a 'Billy Hilton'. Everybody was very understanding because they presumed it was one of her relatives."

Which he, the goat Billy, obviously is! says Pixi ...

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