23 August 2006

Kikki Danielsson - her new super diet ...

Pixi couldn't resist reading about Kikki Danielsson's new super diet - in Kikki's once-and-for-all public slimming guide:

First - Kikki must learn HOW to eat:
Eating is done ONLY when the Kikki is hungry. She MUST learn to chew the food properly and never, Never, NEVER put more food in the mouth before the swallowing the chew she already has in the mouth. To each meal she should eat the maximum of food equivalent to the amount she can put in one palm of her hand times two. She must eat at the same time every day and ABSOLUTELY NOT eat ANYTHING after 7 o'clock in the evening.

Secondly - Kikki must learn what NOT to eat:
ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN is margarine, white flour, white sugar, bread and soft drinks. She should avoid milk products (not good for her rheumatism) EXCEPT natural yogurt, which is OK. She should also avoid salt and light products as well as tomatoes, potatoes, green pepper and aubergine.

When Kikki eats, she SHOULD eat:
Fresh vegetables, root vegetables, berries, leguminous plants and garlic. Every day. And olive oil and fresh butter. And fruit between the meals and for breakfast because it's not good for her to mix fruit with other foods. If she wants to spice her food, she should do it with turmeric and fresh ginger.

And Kikki should DRINK:
Water, AT LEAST 2 liters a day, NOT sparkling. And green tea and herbal tea, like tea made from nettles and dandelions.

And she should EXERCISES the first thing in the morning because it starts up the metabolism - walking, Power plate and water-exercising is good for her ... and she should TREAT herself to the spa.

And Pixi, she wonders - what is Kikki supposed to live on when she has learnt HOW to eat? It seems a bit hard on Kikki only eating yogurt with turmeric spiced beetroots and herbal tea when Kikki's diet used to be based on Falun sausages (the Swedish falukorv), cinnamon buns, lard from sea dogs and whiskey ...
But a super diet is a super diet is a super diet ...

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