18 November 2006

GI Low Carb - Breakfast suggestions

GI - Low Carb Breakfast suggestions, here are some:

  • omelette "dressed" with cheese, ham. tomatoes, green peppers, turkey, shrimps, clams or mushrooms and cottage cheese or ccrème fraiche
  • yoghurt, unsweetened, nuts, sunflower seeds, dried apricots or fresh berries, boiled eggs
  • scrambled eggs, ham, tomatoes, green pepper
  • fried eggs & bacon or ham, fried mushrooms, fried or grilled tomatoes
  • protein smoothie, eggs, cheese, ham
And here you'll find more GI Low Carb breakfast suggestions:

The Low GI Diet Cookbook: 100 Simple, Delicious, Smart-Carb Recipes

written by Jennie Brand-Miller, Kaye Foster-Powell and Joanna McMillan-Pice!